Roulette computers are devices that players use to trick and beat the roulette wheel. These devices help in predicting where the ball will land. The roulette computers will measure the speed at which the ball spins to determine where the ball will land. The devices come in different forms that include wristwatches.
There have been players who were successful at beating roulette using computer devices. If you are interested in knowing whether these roulette computer devices are legal and if there is any strategy to use them, read below.
What’s more, you will also find out whether they work or not.
Roulette computers are considered legal on most land-based casinos in the world. It is because they don’t interfere with the roulette wheel. Furthermore, they also don’t affect the ball, which then is not considered cheating.
Even though they may be legal; casinos will not be happy if they find out you are using a roulette computer. The only thing they are allowed to do is to ask you to leave the casino or even have the dealer end the betting earlier than planned; hence, why they are not used out in the open.
How They Work
As we have mentioned, the roulette computers are used to calculate the speed of the ball and wheel to determine where the ball will land. A player will click on a button that will calculate the speed and when the ball passes a referenced point in the wheel.
The roulette wheel has what is called the dominant diamonds, which are the areas that are hit by the ball most of the time. This the referenced point which will be used to click the device whenever the ball hits there.
For example, when you want to measure the speed of the wheel, you click on the button when the zero is at a particular dominant diamond. You will wait for the wheel to spin and click again when the zero appears in the dominant diamond again. The roulette computer will then calculate the speed based on this timing. The calculation will be the same for the ball. This process will continue until you get a prediction from the device.
Computer Roulette Strategy
If you are wondering whether these devices work, yes, they do. There have been many players who have won big money using roulette computers. However, for you to have a better chance of winning, make sure to buy a device that works. You can find many people who sell roulette computer devices and not all of them are effective. What’s more, be sure not to get caught using them because you will be kicked out of the casino.