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Bingo Cheating 2023 – Latest Theories

Updated on: December 22nd, 2022

How to Cheat BingoSince most people play lottery games to win, you could be tempted to take a stab at bingo cheat sheets. But, we have to warn you, this could land you in serious trouble, both financially and criminally. Every bingo hall and site will probably ban you from entering or signing up, and you’ll gain a bad reputation.

Not to mention that you’ll spend so much time trying to cheat the system that you may as well have just played fairly. But, since you’re here, you probably want to know how bingo players try to cheat. In this guide, we’ll tell you exactly how it’s done and why you really shouldn’t try it.

Nothing will improve your chances of winning entirely, not even hacking a game. Because all online bingo games are hosted on highly secure websites. And, the games are equally protected with high-end software that a team of hackers would struggle to crack.

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How to Cheat at Bingo Halls: Methods

Some of the most common ways to cheat bingo include the following tactics, which have been investigated before. Of course, if you still want to go through with it, we can’t stop you.

So, here are the theories that some sites claim will work for you at bingo halls:

Bingo Cheat – Fake Tickets

Most hardcore cheaters like to take in fake tickets with numbers pre-selected that they’ve gotten from a partner at the venue. Once you’ve got the bingo tickets, you can forge new ones and duplicate the authentication mark.

With the fakes in hand, you can hide them in a bag or pocket and go to the drawing. Then, you can buy some real ones to blend in and take a seat. Generally, cheaters recommend sitting away from security and any cameras while you play.

When several numbers have been called, you’ll look through your tickets to see if you’ve won. But, you’ll need to have it on the table and make sure it passes inspection. Because a bingo winning card carrying a prize needs to be verified for you to claim a bingo win.

Best Bingo Cheat

Working with the Caller

Similar to a fake ticket, you can pay the bingo caller to cheat with you and get a full match. Apparently, this is effective because the caller can pull balls, call them, and drop them in a bag without oversight.

So, you’ll need to buy a few bingo cards (no faking necessary) and sit close to the caller. When the game starts, you can use subtle hand gestures to signal the numbers you need. Since the caller is on your side, they can call the winning numbers and announce what you need.

As long as you don’t get caught, this method is supposedly successful for a while. But, in the long run, someone is going to get greedy, so pay the caller generously.

Switching Tickets

Since a lot of elderly players enjoy a game of bingo, you can take advantage of them and steal their tickets. If you’re morally deficit, this should be an effective way to get a winning number on a card without all that work.

Of course, when you get caught, you’ll have a higher chance of getting sued and arrested anyway. Using this bingo cheating method is pretty straightforward; just buy a book of tickets and find the oldest person in the room.

Then, as the game goes on, you can play your tickets while keeping an eye on the other person. If they’re closer to a win, create a diversion and switch cards. To make this work, you’ll need to be subtle and sit away from security (bonus ethics violation points for doing this at church bingo games).

Bingo Cheat

How to Cheat at Online Bingo

Using the above strategies to cheat bingo is next to impossible on gaming machines and online. So, you’ll be better off not bothering to attempt to cheat because the games use random number generators. These mechanisms are made to randomly generate outcomes and stop people from predicting anything.

Best Ways to Win Honestly

If you’re interested in playing bingo lawfully and keeping your winnings, we can recommend keeping it straight. Instead of becoming a bingo cheat, you can try to play multiple tickets and get at least one card to claim prizes from.

Generally, picking multiple tickets is more viable if you spend less on individual ones and aim for different numbers. Or, you can play progressive jackpots, which can go into hundreds of thousands in prize money.

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